A girl is pulled into another world, a place where she is treated like a princess. But what is her purpose there?

I would really like to update every month or two, but it's getting hard to edit. I legitimately hope to upload every 2-3 months, and hopefully more quickly. So please keep checking back.

If you'd like to be notified when I update just e-mail me with the subject line "Update me on Chosen, please." (If I get, you know, multiple people asking to hear about updates, I'll set up a mailing list.)

Send comments if you like...I don't plan to revise chapters that are already up, but you may influence future installments, and if you show interest, I may put up future chapters more quickly.

Chapter 1: Home (uploaded 4/3/05)
Chapter 2: A Calling (uploaded 5/2/05)
Chapter 3: Bunfa (uploaded 6/15/05)
Chapter 4: For Eku's Glory (uploaded 7/31/05)
Chapter 5: Nirayime (uploaded 10/4/05)
Chapter 6: Exile (uploaded 12/28/05)
Chapter 7: Revival (uploaded 4/30/06)

Index of Words (updated 10/4/05)
Index of Character Names (updated 6/15/05)

Chosen © Julie Bihn, 1999-2006


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