~Sunday, February 12, 1928~

HJennyG: ER: ::sitting on a park bench, sketching the ducks in the pond::
LB: ::walks through the park; sees Erin's sketchbook, and walks over, looking over the young woman's shoulder::
ER: ::looks up as a shadow is cast over her work:: Good afternoon ::grins broadly:: If you like it, you can buy it
LB: ::laughs slightly:: You certainly are industrious...aren't you cold out here?
ER: ::laughs:: Cold? You should try the park benches in London. And as you mentioned industrious...portraits are 50 cents ::grins at her hopefully::
LB: ::laughs:: Fifty cents...but it's awfully cold out here. ::pauses:: I'd give you a dollar, and subway fare, if you wouldn't mind sketching me at my place instead. There's a little heater, and it's warmer.
ER: ::looks at her suspiciouly:: At your place? You would pay for me? ::considers briefly:: Sure, anything beats sitting out here in the cold
LB: ::smiles:: It's a bit of a trip; I'm out on Coney Island. My name's Libby, by the way.
ER: Pleased to meet you, I'm Erin. ::shakes Libby's hand:: Coney Island? What a great place to live!
LB: ::smiles, heading towards the subway station:: Well, it's cold and quiet in the winter, and I'm sure it's noisy in the summer. But I usually don't spend my nights there...
ER: ::falls into step with Libby:: Oh, really? ::surprised:: So...where do you spend you nights?
LB: I live with my mother. It's a nice house, really.
ER: I'm sure it is, there are some nice houses out there. I live in a small place above the Kingsley Art Studios. Do you know it?
LB: ::thinks a moment, then shakes her head:: I'm afraid not. ::looks at her a little curiously:: You're out on your own?
ER: Well, I have no one else. ::pauses:: I left the little family I have left back in England.
LB: ::nods, frowning for a moment, then smiling a bit:: How do you like America?
ER: ::thinks:: I've only been living here a year, but it's great country. It's mostly the weather, always so warm ::sighs and laughs::
LB: I've never quite heard New York referred to as "warm," but to each her own...
ER: ::laughs:: So have you always lived here?
LB: I was born here. When I was younger my parents visited Europe, but I hardly remember it. ::goes down the steps to the subway without stopping:: I suppose all the rich and powerful people prefer Europe over the States, so they can drink legally, but I prefer New York.
ER: ::nods in agreement:: Yes, New York's great. So what do you do for a living?
LB: ::smiles, going to the ticket counter:: Not much, really...::purchases two subway tickets, then turns back to Erin:: My father left me pretty well-off.
ER: ::grins:: I know exactly how it is, my parents left me pretty well set up too ::lowers her head and shrugs:: But, I like to work for my money...dunno...I suppose you find that strange...
LB: ::shrugs:: I actually have a little project I'm working on, but I doubt it'll make much money.
ER: ::looks up:: Hmm, a project? Sounds intreguing...do tell
LB: ::checks her wristwatch, then stands at the subway platform for their train, which hasn't come in yet:: It's the place on Coney Island. I'm hoping to make a freak show. A real--
::Erin suddenly finds herself sitting on a bench, next to Libby, who looks a little relieved, but doesn't say anything::

ER: ::shocked:: Whoa, did you feel something there?
LB: ::frowns; quietly, and not looking straight at Erin:: I think maybe you just blacked out or something. I'm glad you're all right.

ER: ::shaking her head disbelievingly:: Blacked out? Impossible. ::regards Libby suspiciouly:: Are you okay, whats the matter ::raising her voice just slighly:: What just happened?
LB: ::still doesn't look at Erin; quietly:: Calm down....it's all right.
ER: ::raising her voice further and glares at Libby:: Look! I don't know who you are...but...
LB: ::looks up at Erin, worried; softly:: Look, I'll explain to you, but be quiet, okay?
ER: ::was just about to get up to go, but sits back down slowly:: Explain? ::speaks more quietly:: Alright..but this had better be good.
LB: ::quietly, but intently, looking at Erin:: Remember I was telling you about my freak show?
ER: ::puts her hand to her head:: Freak show...yeah, before the...the...'thing' happened. What about it?
LB: I don't want a show with midgets or Orientals or tattooed people or anything like that. I want a show with *real* freaks...the kind who have extraordinary powers...even if they might not be able to control them all the time...
ER: ::Lowers her eyes and looks frightened:: Powers? I...I don't know what your talking about.
LB: ::frowns; softly:: No, I don't suppose you would. ::shakes her head:: But I'm sorry. I wish I had better control, but I don't, yet.
ER: ::coughs nervously:: Ermm, control?
ER: ::regains composure:: Control of what?

LB: ::softly:: Sometimes I'll send others--or myself--a little bit ahead through time. It was only about ten minutes with you this last time; sometimes it can be longer....
ER: ::gets up to leave:: No - this can't be happening... ::looks directly at Libby:: You know, don't you?
LB: ::looks rather puzzled:: Erin, I don't know what you're talking about...
ER: ::taken aback:: Of course you know, why else would you be here with me? Telling me about your 'power'. ::speaks sofly:: you MUST know.

YarnKittymon: LB: ::shakes her head, frowning, then pauses; softly:: I didn't know anything about you...but from the way you're acting, I'm starting to guess...
ER: ::sits very still, not looking at Libby:: I too, have a 'power' as you call it...but ever since I discovered it, I've been trying to deny it. It can sometimes be, unpleasent for me...
LB: ::frowns; softly:: I'm sorry to hear that. You can tell me about it if you'd like...
ER: ::smiles and visibily relaxes:: My power is the reason I moved to America, but if you don't mind - I don't want to go into that. It's quite tricky to demonstrate, but if you like I could show you?
LB: ::smiles:: Well, I showed you mine, so I suppose that would only be fair.
ER: ::frowns, trying to remember:: It's been a while since I did this...but, here. ::holds out her hand, palm facing Libby:: Clasp your fingers though mine.
LB: ::hesitates for just a moment, then does so::
ER: I suppose I'd better explain what I'm doing here. I am 'bridging' our minds togther, but only vision. If you agree, I will make the connection and I will be able to see - through your eyes. ::looks at Libby reassuringly:: It's quite safe.
LB: ::nods, smiling a little:: Then go ahead.
ER: ::closes her eyes and frowns in concentration:: Alright. ::a feeling like some sort of energy is building up around their claped hands, nothing is visible:: That's it, did you feel anything?
LB: ::quietly:: A little; my hand felt a little odd...
ER: Wow, I'd forgotton how wierd this was. ::shakes her head and blinks her eyes:: Good, if I don't control the bridging properly...no, never mind. Like I said - quite safe ::smiles unconvincingly:: Well, that was the easy part. Now to prove it to you. ::tilts her head and considers::
LB: ::smiles back at Erin:: Cover your eyes, then.
ER: ::laughs:: Have you thought of a way to prove it?
LB: Well, not *prove,* but it might show that you can either see through my eyes or through your own hands...
ER: ::frowns and folds her arms huffily:: This isn't magic tricks you know.
LB: Well, do you have any better ideas?
ER: ::shrugs resignedly ((is that a real word? ^_^)) and sighs:: Well - no. Like I said, I haven't done this in a while...
LB: ::turns her head away from Erin, her eyes focused on the ceiling, though her head's tilted a little down:: Can you see what I'm looking at?
ER: ::closes her eyes tightly and laughs:: Ahh, that ones easy. The oil lamp third from the left. Your focusing on a slight crack in the centre ::grins broadly:: I'm right, aren't I?
LB: ::after a moment, covers Erin's eyes herself, looking at a rather short and well-dressed man:: What about now?
LB: ::after a moment, covers Erin's eyes herself, looking at a rather short and well-dressed man:: What about now?
ER: There's a small guy leaning against the wall, wearing a well-fitting suit and eating an oreo. He's quite cute, don'tcha think? ::laughs:: Your focusing on his...hey - no cheating! ::hits out Libby playfully:: Stay still! Focusing on...his hat!
LB: ::laughs:: Yes, his *hat*...::uncovers Erin's eyes, then pauses, looking at her watch:: Oh, my...I really have to be going. ::rummages through her purse and hands Erin a business card:: Here. Please come meet me sometime, okay? I'm there most weekdays and much of the weekends as well.
ER: ::accepts card:: It was lovely to meet you ::lowers her voice:: And to know I'm not alone.
LB: ::smiles warmly:: I feel the same way... I'll see you later! ::hurries off::


On to February 14, 1928

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